Thursday, January 8, 2009

One Big Recessive Gene

That's me alright. One big recessive gene. It's been a joke in our family for quite some time now. Just look at my children! I did nothing but incubate them! Of course with a mug like mine I'm rather relieved they took their father's dominate genes over mine. I even have proof my visit to the ENT I was told that I have significant hearing loss in both ears and there ain't nothin' I can do about it. Just look forward to hearing aids much sooner rather than later. I wish you could have seen the look of consternation on the Doctor's face when he said "Your hearing loss is attributed to a specific recessive gene" and I busted out laughing. Well of course it is! I could've told him that! I just hope that "specific recessive gene" and a few others ended with me for real. I'm sorry, what did you say?

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