Friday, March 13, 2009

My Girl

I won a photo contest last weekend with a picture I had taken of Erika two years ago (not this one). She has always been such a good sport about letting me play around with the camera on her. Such a sweet thing and so much fun! I gave her half the prize money after I won...I wouldn't have the picture if it wasn't for her in the first place, and she never cares when I ask her if I can show it to someone or when I asked her if I could enter it in to this contest. Do you know what that little monkey did with her money a couple of days later? She gave it all to Relay for Life. She's already cut her hair off twice and donated it to Locks of Love. I seriously don't know what I could ever have done to be blessed with a girl like her. She's amazing, and I'm so proud of her. My girl Erika.


Missy said...

Congratulations on winning the photo contest! When I read what Erika did with her money it almost made me cry. She really is such an angel. Love you all and miss ya.

Honey said...

That's our girl! She truly is a very special spirit. I love her so much.